Meet Julian

Julian is a sought after kid chef and entrepreneur that has been cooking since the age of 3. As he has gotten older, he uses cooking as his outlet for creativity and independence as well as to empower other kids’ confidence in the kitchen.
As the CEO and Executive Kid Chef of the Step Stool Chef, he is responsible for making sure that all of our products, cooking lessons, recipes and recommendations are just right for all kids. Julian was selected as a state finalist for the Healthy Lunchtime Challenge in partnership with the White House and Let’s Move Campaign as well as served on the Kids Advisory Board for ChopChop Magazine, an award winning kids cooking magazine and as the youngest culinary influencer on popular blog Super Healthy Kids and SideChef digital cooking app.
Julian has been featured on all major TV networks including NBC, ABC, FOX, and CBS as well as spoken in front of hundreds at several conferences, festivals and culinary events. He has also had the pleasure of partnering with amazing companies such as Whole Foods, Baylor Hospital, Johnsonville as well as top resorts and restaurants.
Learn more about Julian at